A List of Top-Grade Pigs I’m Interested in for 2017
It's almost the end of 2016, and very much a "breakout" year for me. The second you stop looking for the fast track to success, put your nose to the grindstone and just unselfishly WORK toward your goals with pure intentions, things just start to happen. Good things. That was a lesson I very much felt this year, and one I'll always carry with me in everything I do, not just trading. That concept is difficult to grasp at first - "How do I approach my goals unselfishly and in the right manner?" - so I highly recommend you read the book Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi - he goes into great detail on how to achieve that state of mind. It's applicable to many areas of life, but especially applicable to the mindset we need to have as traders. This book has helped me very much. _________________________________________________________________________________ I've began to develop a list of pigs who interest me in the coming months of 2017. These are nam...