An Open Letter to Aspiring Traders: What You're Actually Getting Into & How to Prevail

The beginning stages of this game are brutal. You’re going to be horrible at it. You're going to feel stupid. You’re going to put in endless hours of work, and you’re still going to lose money and make the same mistakes over and over again.

In just about anything else when you are learning…if you put in lots of hard work, you’ll get better at said task at a rate of time relative to the amount of work you put in. The harder you work, the faster you'll get better. Trading is not one of those things, so don’t burn yourself out at the beginning of your journey staying up until 3am every night thinking the answer to all your problems is "I just need to study harder" or it's in some book or DVD or online. It’s not. You just need screen time & experience. 

There are ups and downs. In the beginning, more downs than ups. There will be moments of clarity early on when you're going to feel like you’ve “turned the corner and finally figured it out”…….you haven’t. Don’t get cocky and try to rush the process. You’ll be knocked down to your knees more times than you’ll care to count with that attitude...remain humble. 

90% of you will quit. And believe me…you’ll be very, very tempted to be one of them. But don’t.

If you are lucky enough to make it, this is literally a dream job. You have no boss. No hours. No agenda. No dress code. No meetings. No lazy difficult coworkers. No rush hour traffic. Endless motivation. At a normal salary job, no matter how hard you work, your paycheck at the end of the week is still the same. How is that supposed to keep you motivated and hungry to improve yourself? In our profession once you're consistent, the harder you work, the more your paycheck is. Talk about a reason to get up in the morning. Complete and utter freedom in every sense of the word. You can work from anywhere. Travel the world. All you need is a laptop and a Wi-Fi connection…the entire world is your office.

               Do you want that?

Of course you do. But there are some very important things you need to understand up front. 

What is day trading for the independent retail trader like you and I?

A very, very difficult uphill battle. As a retail trader, you're going up against some of the most intelligent businessmen & computerized algorithmic systems in the world. They have more money than you, more experience than you, more resources, more contacts, better software, faster executions, less emotions, and one simple, ruthless agenda: to take your money. Thats what this all boils down to, everyone is friends on social media, messing around and joking, but at the end of the day you have no friends - everyone is fighting to take each others money.  You're deeply, deeply in the hole before you even begin as a new trader. Therefore, you need to hone in on your advantages and be on a relentless pursuit to utilize them as often and as efficiently as you can. 

Your main advantage as a retail trader against computers, institutions and other traders is discretion.  Just as when you're in a casino, your only advantage against the house is your ability to walk away when you're up, they can't force you to play - that's your prerogative - discretion. Your ability to discern and evaluate your trade at any point in time, and make a proper decision to remain in or cut your loss quick instead of sticking around and getting eaten alive. Another way to put that is your ability to manage risk. It's the sole thing that will keep you in the game, and your cornerstone to success as a trader. 

If your aim coming into this is to see immediate success, striving for perfection and turning a large majority of your trades into winners - you're going to have a very bad experience. Probably about half the time, you're going to be incorrect on your trades, and that's fine. You need to accept this. If you get involved in a trade that starts to go against you and your first reaction is to get annoyed and fight it, averaging up/down trying to "trade" your way out of it - you're also going to have a very bad experience. There are times at a later stage in your trading career when you've got a more mature understanding of the game and more money that you can pick and choose your battles and fight sometimes. But as an aspiring new trader just trying to survive & build capital, theres just no room for that. None. The sooner you realize you have zero control over price action & market movement, the sooner you'll be able to drop the ego and stop fighting & getting "stuck" in trades. 

You've got to come to the market every day with the mentality "I am going to trade well today", not "I am going to make money today." You need to be aligned with the frame of mind supporting "I'm going to trade well, focus on good entries, and if the market wants to pay me, great, and if not, thats OK too. I know I can't force it to pay me, and it can be very unforgiving if I try."

Something I see all too often is guys coming to me saying they trade really well for a period of time, and then then have this one bad stretch or one bad trade that wipes everything away. "I have a good amount of winning trades but my losers are always way bigger than my winners." Is that something you identify with? As soon as I hear this story, I know exactly how this person operates mentally without having to see them place a single trade. These traders "trade their PnL" instead of trading the chart and the plan. They are far too focused on the money, leading them to be impatient with their winners, and far too patient with their losers. It's kind of ironic we hold onto losers out of a fear of losing, isn't it? Sounds pretty stupid when you put it that way, but it's true. This stems back to basic human psychology and the fact that we don't want to lose. We don't. It's ingrained in our DNA. Nobody wants to lose. Everyone has an ego and thinks they know more than they do, that they're different, etc. And as soon as a trade goes against us, our first instinct is to take it personally and develop a vendetta mindset moving forward in that trade - we just don't want to accept the loss. This is something you'll battle from your very first trade to your last. Little do most know and unfortunately usually find out the hard way, is that this approach only leads to the losses growing larger. After a string of bad losers, you go on the defensive - and any time you enter a winning trade after that, you're quick to take profits and minimize the gains ("ugh finally...a winner"), and that mindset is the beginning of a long painful journey of unsuccessful trading and slowly bleeding your account down to nothing. If this describes you, you are not alone. You're actually very much in the majority. 

So how do you fix it? 

The way to fix it is quite simple. It's to develop a plan for EVERY trade, and do not deviate. If you're trading a small account and trying to grow it, this applies to you the most as you have no room for failure. You absolutely HAVE to do this. Let me give you an example of the way I like to do it. 

I don't set targets for my winning trades, I'm a firm believer in mental trailing stops. Also I don't have my unrealized PnL anywhere on my screen. It's a distraction and will influence you severely, and usually for the worse. If you're trading with the correct size and correct plan, there's no reason to have it on your screen in my opinion. If you find yourself paying attention to that little unrealized number more than you're paying attention to the price action & chart, then you're doing something wrong. 

Trade management is the key. 

Lets use an example stock $XYZ is trading at $11.15/share, and you think you see a trade. It put in a top a few minutes ago at 11.25, and looks to be fading, so you enter short at 11.15. Set your stop about .10-.15c above the HOD. Never set it right at the HOD, because thats a popular spot most set their stops, so should it reach there it will likely squeeze through for a minute as stops get triggered and shake out the weak hands before going in it's true intended direction. Use a bit smaller size than you normally would, and give your stop a little more room above/below that key level that most would stop out at. Thats important. How many times do you get squeezed out of a trade just to learn minutes later that you covered at the top and it would have ended up working out. You're not "unlucky", you just weren't thinking ahead of the crowd - you were one of the crowd, trading your PnL/trading scared like the rest of them. Money or fear should never cause you to close a trade. Hitting your intended, predetermined risk level should be the only thing ever stopping you out or closing the trade. 

So thats the first part. Always set your stops a little above and below key levels depending if you're long or short. Be able to comfortably do this by using smaller size than usual to allow for the extra wiggle room financially. If $XYZ blows through the 11.25 HOD to 11.30-11.40 and begins to consolidate for a few minutes up there and doesn't come back below shortly after the HOD break, then you exit no questions asked. There is no "well let me see what it's going to do, I'll move my stop to 11.53, thats it, no more after that" No. Follow your PLAN, do not adjust it with "hope" that it will reverse. Stop out, take the paper cut and move on. End of discussion. So that covers the worst case scenario, the loss side, now lets go over the winning scenario.

Assume you get short at 11.15 and the trade starts to work in your favor and starts to fade. $XYZ fades down to $11 and you're up .15c or so from your entry. Lock in half of the profit. Now with the remaining 1/2 left on, we're going to use a mental trailing stop. So right after you lock in half, your new risk level on the rest of the position is automatically moved down to your initial entry/break even, so we move to 11.15 as our new stop. Unlike your first risk level, this one is not negotiable nor should there be any wiggle room. We want to ensure we remain profitable on the trade, so at this point, if $XYZ holds 11 and moves back up to 11.15, we're out immediately to assure we don't turn this into a losing trade. 

Lets say it doesn't do that though, and it fades through 11 and heads lower. Your mental trailing stop should be the exact difference between your initial entry and where you locked in the first 1/2 of the position for profits. So we entered $XYZ at $11.15, and we locked in 1/2 at $11. Thats a .15c gain, so thats our mental trailing stop number moving forward. If $XYZ continues lower down to 10.85,  our new risk level is $11. If it washes out to 10.60 next candle, our risk level is now adjusted to 10.75. Moves a little lower to 10.40, our risk is now 10.55. You get the idea. And you will continue to leave this 1/2 of the position on until that .15c buffer is breached, where you'll then stop out on the remaining gains. 

This is an easy way to 1) lock in some profit for a green trade and 2) get the most out of your winner. If you truly nailed the entry, a stock can fade for a long time, so you want to put yourself in the best position possible to get the most you can out of it while still being risk conscious. In this particular example .15c was our buffer, that number is at your discretion based on the particular stock, price, how much range & volatility it has, etc. Like if you're trading NUGT or DWTI or something with multiple dollar intraday ranges, obviously your buffer & initial risk/first cover spot will be larger and position size will be smaller. It's something you've got to play with based on your trading personality, risk tolerance & account size, it will be different for everyone, but that is the general idea. 

I'm getting a bit long winded here so I'll wrap it up, but thats just one example of a type of plan I like to use to try and get the most out of a trade, there are plenty of other variations - get creative with it, but the one CONSTANT in all of this is you need to have a plan, and you need to follow it without fail. I'm sure thats something you've heard often "yeah I know that yada yada...", but it truly is the key to achieving consistent success from where I'm sitting. Most do not do this. Stopping out when planned to keep your losses small, and using trailing mental stops on your winners to get the most out of them. That is the best way to grow an account. Not maxing out margin, trading above your means and hoping to hit some home runs. 

Challenge yourself. Say "Today I'm going to create smart, risk conscious plans for every trade, and follow them without deviation. No matter what." And then do it. 



  1. Great post man. Do you ever add to a winner? Can you give an example? I start small to keep losses small but when I try adding to winners, it grinds against me and I get out for break even.

    1. Hello Guys!!! I am Caro I live in Ohio USA I’m 32 Years old, am so happy I got my blank ATM card from Bill Dean. My blank ATM card can withdraw $7,000 daily. I got it from Him last week and now I have withdrawn about $15,000 for free. The blank ATM withdraws money from any ATM machines and there is no name on it because it is blank just your PIN will be on it, it is not traceable and now I have money for business, shopping and enough money for me and my family to live on.I am really glad and happy i met Bill Dean because I met Five persons before him and they could not help me. But am happy now Bill Dean sent the card through Fedex and I got it in two days. Get your own card from him right now, he is giving it out for small fee to help people even if it is illegal but it helps a lot and no one ever gets caught or traced. I’m happy and grateful to Bill Dean because he changed my story all of a sudden. The card works in all countries that is the good news Bill Dean email address is  

      Get $5,500 USD every day, for six months!

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    4. i was once living on the street where by things were so hard for me, even to pay off my bills was very difficult for me i have to park off my apartment and start sleeping on the street of Vegas. i tried all i could do to secure a job but all went in vain because i was from the black side of America. so i decided to browse through on my phone for jobs online where i got an advert on Hackers advertising a Blank ATM card which can be used to hack any ATM Machine all over the world, i never thought this could be real because most advert on the internet are based on fraud, so i decided to give this a try and look where it will lead me to if it can change my life for good. i contacted this hackers and they told me they are from Australia and also they have branch all over the world in which they use in developing there ATM CARDS, this men who were geeks and also experts at ATM repairs, programming and execution who taught me various tips and tricks about breaking into an ATM Machine with a Blank ATM card.i applied for the Blank ATM card and it was delivered to me within 3 days and i did as i was told to and today my life has changed. there is no ATM MACHINES this BLANK ATM CARD CANNOT penetrate into, because it has been programmed with various tools and software before it will be send to you. i know this is illegal but also a smart way of living Big because the government cannot help us so we have to help our self. if you also want this BLANK ATM CARD you can contact these Hackers at

    5. BE SMART AND BECOME RICH IN LESS THAN 3DAYS.... It all depends on how fast you can be to get the new PROGRAMMED blank ATM card that is capable of hacking into any ATM machine anywhere in the world. I got to know about this BLANK ATM CARD when I was searching for job online about a month ago... It has really changed my life for good and now I can say I'm rich and I can never be poor again. The least money I get in a month with it is about $50,000.00(Fifty Thousand US Dollars). Everyday I keep pumping money into my account. There is no risk of being caught, because it has been programmed in such a way that it is not traceable, it also has a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTV's to detect you... For details on how to get yours today, email : officialblankatmservice@gmail.comTell your loved ones too, and start to live large. That's the simple testimony of how my life changed for good... Love you... The email address again is:

    6. Get A Blank ATM CARD And Cash Good Money/Funds Pay Your Debt directly today in any ATM machine around you anywhere in the world. contact It's 100% guaranteed secure with no worries of being caught because the blank card it's already programmed and loaded with good funds in it, in such a way that's not traceable which also have a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTV to detect you, i am not a stupid man that i will come out to the public and start saying what someone have not done. For more info contact Mr Bill Dean and also on how you are going to get your Card, Order yours today via Email:


      I want to testify about official hacking company blank atm cards which can withdraw money from any atm machines around the world. I was very poor before and have no job. I saw so many testimony about how official blank atm cards send them the atm blank card and use it to collect money in any atm machine and become rich. ( ) I email them also and they sent me the blank atm card. I have use it to get 90,000 dollars. withdraw the maximum of 5,000 USD daily. official hacking company is giving out the card just to help the poor. Hack and take money directly from any atm machine vault with the use of atm programmed card which runs in automatic mode.


    8. Testimony on how I received my programmed blank atm card to withdraw a maximum of $6,000 daily.

      I would without reservation recommend working with Official Hackig Company, My Name is Rosharon Programmed Blank Atm Card is no longer a news or a new trend I've been reluctant in purchasing this blank Atm Card all because of what I heard about it online everything seems too good to be true, But I was convinced & shocked when my friend at my place of work got a Programmed Blank Atm Card from Official Hacking Company & today we both confirmed it really works, without delay I gave it a go. Ever since then I've been able to make a with-drawer of $6,000 daily from the Programmed Atm Card. I'm so excited that ever since I ordered & paid for the delivery of the Programmed Atm Card, I didn't get scammed & now I have been able to arrange my life with this Programmed Atm Card, I own a House & a business now kindly contact them today for more inquiries and enlightenment via E-mail:

      Your Satisfaction is their Aim and your working with them will be of a good experience, kindly contact them today for more inquiries and enlightenment via E-mail:

    9. I was searching for loan to sort out my bills& debts, then i saw comments about Blank ATM Credit Card that can be hacked to withdraw money from any ATM machines around you . I doubted thus but decided to give it a try by contacting {} they responded with their guidelines on how the card works. I was assured that the card can withdraw $5,000 instant per day & was credited with$50,000,000.00 so i requested for one & paid the delivery fee to obtain the card, after 24 hours later, i was shock to see the UPS agent in my resident with a parcel{card} i signed and went back inside and confirmed the card work's after the agent left. This is no doubts because i have the card & has made used of the card. This hackers are USA based hackers set out to help people with financial freedom!! Contact these email if you wants to get rich with this Via: ..    

    10. ● Hello, we are offering service for Online CC /w High Balance which is ATM Card. You can use it anywhere in the world to withdraw money from any ATM machine. Contact us with the following email address: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
      -- -- --------------What are the list, cost and how do i purchase the card?  Contact us on: Email:
      ★  How it works? Our cards are loaded with balance of $5,000 to $100,000 with different daily withdraw limit depending on the card you are ordering and you can use the ATM card to withdraw cash anywhere. 
      ★  Is this real? Yes, as shown in the video, we withdraw cash multiple times without any issues. You can do it too. 
      ★  Can i be traced? No, your withdraw/transactions are completely anonymous. 
      ★  Is this legal? We'll leave that for you to asnwer but we have not had any issues when doing this method. ★  Are people using this? Absolutely, people have quit most of their hard jobs to withdraw money instantly. Men and women use this card but we dont deal with kids or anyone below 18yrs
      ★  How do I get my card? We will ship your card with Pin 2 hours after receiving clear payment from you and the card will be send to you through courier delivery services. Our package usually delivered within 2-3 business day. Once you receive the card you can start cashing out. 
      ★   Are you guys for real? YES: we are 100% real and been doing this since 2015 and once you withdraw with our card please do drop a comment right here for other people to see we are being serious here. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --                EMAIL US AT: or WhatsApp +15593840001

    11. iI’m lauriel from New York, United States. I lost my job a few months back after my divorce with my wife. I tried everything positive to make sure I took good care of my kids but all failed, and I was in debt which makes everything worse. I was kicked out of my home and i had to live with my neighbor after pleading with her to allow me to stay with her for some days while I figured out how to get a home which she agreed to, but no one was willing to help anymore. I bumped into this page from google and I was excited about this, then I contacted the hackersBill Dean. I had just $200, so I pleaded with them to help me because of my condition but they never accepted. I believed in this, so I managed to pawn a few things and got $500. I ordered the $10,000 card and I got my card delivered to me by Ups 4 days later. I never believed my eyes! I was excited and upset as well, I managed to withdraw $2000 on the ATM and $2500 the second day. I went to Walmart and a grocery store and bought a couple of things for $3000. The card got blocked the third day and I contacted them and I was told it's a mistake from my end. I’m so happy, I have started all over again and have a good apartment with my kids you can contact him through is via email ( his whatsap contact (+1 301-887-5071)

    12. I’m Elizabeth from New Jersey, United States. I lost my job a few months back after my divorce with my husband. I tried everything positive to make sure I took good care of my kids but all failed, and I was in debt which makes everything worse. I was kicked out of my home and I had to live with my neighbor after pleading with her to allow me to stay with her for some days while I figured out how to get a home which she agreed to, but no one was willing to help anymore. I bumped into this page from google and I was excited about this, then I contacted the hackersBill Dean. I had just $200, so I pleaded with them to help me because of my condition but they never accepted. I believed in this, so I managed to pawn a few things and got $500. I ordered the $10,000 card and I got my card delivered to me by Ups 4 days later. I never believed my eyes! I was excited and upset as well, I managed to withdraw $2000 on the ATM and $2500 the second day. I went to Walmart and a grocery store and bought a couple of things for $3000. I’m so happy, I have started all over again and have a good apartment with my kids you can contact him through is via email (

    13. iI’m lauriel from New York, United States. I lost my job a few months back after my divorce with my wife. I tried everything positive to make sure I took good care of my kids but all failed, and I was in debt which makes everything worse. I was kicked out of my home and i had to live with my neighbor after pleading with her to allow me to stay with her for some days while I figured out how to get a home which she agreed to, but no one was willing to help anymore. I bumped into this page from google and I was excited about this, then I contacted the hackersBill Dean. I had just $200, so I pleaded with them to help me because of my condition but they never accepted. I believed in this, so I managed to pawn a few things and got $500. I ordered the $10,000 card and I got my card delivered to me by Ups 4 days later. I never believed my eyes! I was excited and upset as well, I managed to withdraw $2000 on the ATM and $2500 the second day. I went to Walmart and a grocery store and bought a couple of things for $3000. The card got blocked the third day and I contacted them and I was told it's a mistake from my end. I’m so happy, I have started all over again and have a good apartment with my kids you can contact him through is via email ( his whatsap contact (+1 301-887-5071) 


      This is so real and wonderful, at first i thought is a scam , because have been scam by several people claiming they can help me invest my money in bitcoin trading , that is how i lost my $25,000 last week on investment , but with the help of MR BILL DEAN of, i was able to withdraw $50,000 from ATM machine without trace more than the money i lost last week , indeed Mr Bill Dean your Blank ATM card is real and genuine , i will keep telling people about you as i promise to do , if you are in any financial problem to pay up bills and start up a new life , kindly contact Mr Bill Dean on how you can obtain his Blank ATM card , he does not charge big , trust him and contact him today through email

    15. GOOD CARD WITH COOL CASH...Get THE 2023 BLANK ATM Programmed Card and cash money directly in any ATM Machine around you. There is no risk of being caught, because the card has been programmed in such a way that it´s not traceable, it also has a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTV to detect you and you can withdraw a total sum of $5,000.00 USD daily,try and get yours today from (Mr Jone Arthur) of And be among the lucky ones who are benefiting from like me my life is fully blessed after using this card too. Now email the hacker one :

  2. Thanks Dante. Shit, I wish blog entries like this had been around when I first started learning 18 months ago. Brilliant stuff.

    1. I’m Joseph from New Jersey, United States. I lost my job a few months back after my divorce with my wife. I tried everything positive to make sure I took good care of my kids but all failed, and I was in debt which makes everything worse. I was kicked out of my home and i had to live with my neighbor after pleading with her to allow me to stay with her for some days while I figured out how to get a home which she agreed to, but no one was willing to help anymore. I bumped into this page from google and I was excited about this, then I contacted the hackers Bill Dean. I had just $200, so I pleaded with them to help me because of my condition but they never accepted. I believed in this, so I managed to pawn a few things and got $500. I ordered the $10,000 card and I got my card delivered to me by Ups 4 days later. I never believed my eyes! I was excited and upset as well, I managed to withdraw $2000 on the ATM and $2500 the second day. I went to Walmart and a grocery store and bought a couple of things for $3000. The card got blocked the third day and I contacted them and I was told it's a mistake from my end. I’m so happy, I have started all over again and have a good apartment with my kids you can contact him through is via email (

  3. Great post Dante ! You really have evolved and have gained a great sense for what is happening and it is certainly helpful to me and i am sure many others. cheers

  4. Can`t tell enought how much I`ve been learning from you. Only 2 week in this as full time but your learnings are helping me to improve so fast....
    Man, just thank you. Keep the amazing job please.

  5. Absolutely a brilliant post! Thanks a million for this. After 6 months of trading I've had doubts whether I'm cut for this. Lots of doubts. But you answered everything - especially knowing that I love trading more than I've loved any of my previous businesses, no matter how successful. Thank you!

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    This is the happiest moment of my life having no longer to worry about paying bills as i have been settled for life. A lot has been said about Atm hacking and blank card for cash withdrawal but it all seemed like a myth to me until i eventually lost my job few months back and the world seemed to be moving backwards. I went online in search of jobs and means to an end and there i found comments about harryblankatmharckers and how they deliver this card in less than 7 days with no risk involved and a far much lesser price compared to what the card itself can give you, i then made contact and purchase one from them with almost my last dollars I took the risk and in exactly 6 days latter my card and a manual was delivered to my home address here in California and that same evening i used the card was able to take out $5000 for a start its been just 3 weeks and my life has taken a new shape. I simply want to say thank you to this electronic company and help spread their fame abroad. If you ever are in need of this card contact them via email .....
    Don't mail them if you not really ready for this card is gonna cost you money to buy the card note that,they offer card to firms, orphans,individual and business personnel's mail them immediately .....

    This is the happiest moment of my life having no longer to worry about paying bills as i have been settled for life. A lot has been said about Atm hacking and blank card for cash withdrawal but it all seemed like a myth to me until i eventually lost my job few months back and the world seemed to be moving backwards. I went online in search of jobs and means to an end and there i found comments about harryblankatmharckers and how they deliver this card in less than 7 days with no risk involved and a far much lesser price compared to what the card itself can give you, i then made contact and purchase one from them with almost my last dollars I took the risk and in exactly 6 days latter my card and a manual was delivered to my home address here in California and that same evening i used the card was able to take out $5000 for a start its been just 3 weeks and my life has taken a new shape. I simply want to say thank you to this electronic company and help spread their fame abroad. If you ever are in need of this card contact them via email .....
    Don't mail them if you not really ready for this card is gonna cost you money to buy the card note that,they offer card to firms, orphans,individual and business personnel's mail them immediately .....

  9. Are you in a financial crisis, looking for money to start your own business or to pay your bills?
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  11. Hi, I just want to share my experience with everyone. I have been hearing about this blank ATM card for a while and I never really paid any interest to it because of my doubts. Until one day I discovered a hacking Mr Micheal. he is really good at what he is doing. Back to the point, I inquired about The Blank ATM Card. If it works or even Exist. They told me Yes and that it's a card programmed for only money withdraws without being noticed and can also be used for free online purchases of any kind. This was shocking and I still had my doubts. Then I gave it a try and asked for the card and agreed to their terms and conditions.. Four days later I received my card and tried with the closest ATM machine close to me, to my greatest surprise It worked like magic. I was able to withdraw up to $38,000 daily. ATM has really changed my life. If you want to contact them, Here is the email : 

  12. Bitcoin investment has changed my life because I invested my bitcoin with totalinvestment . He is a professional trader and he helps me trade my bitcoin and he can also help you. My first investment with totalivestment , I profited up to $20000 with my investment of $800 in 5 days, Looking into this week as well, what have you planned to achieve? Why don't participate on this on going investment now and earn more money today if you are interested kindly contact totalinvestment via Email; ;   


  13. My ex ruined me broke due to his incessant extravagant spending , I found myself in a big mess. I talked to a loan company and I was told that they can't lend me loan . I was devastated, that's put me into a lot of debt. I looked online and came across Mr Oscar White of , I hit him up and to my greatest surprise, my debt was paid in 4 working days from Oscar White blank atm card which i used to withdraw money untraceable and shop online with the blank atm card . I was so amazed and it didn't cost me too much to get the card and today have made up to $50,000.I implore you to contact him on how to get yours and because rich like me @ or whats-app +1(323)-362-2310.No doubt he's the best out there and your problems will be solved!


  14. Cool way to have financial freedom!!! Are you tired of living a poor life, here is the opportunity you have been waiting for. Get the new ATM BLANK CARD that can hack any ATM MACHINE and withdraw money from any account. You do not require anybody’s account number before you can use it. Although you and I knows that its illegal,there is no risk using it. It has SPECIAL FEATURES, that makes the machine unable to detect this very card,and its transaction can’t be traced .You can use it anywhere in the world. With this card,you can withdraw nothing less than $4,500 a day. So to get the card,reach the hackers via email address : or whatsapp him on +1(323)-723-2568

  15. BE SMART AND BECOME RICH IN LESS THAN 3DAYS.... It all depends on how fast you can be to get the new PROGRAMMED blank ATM card that is capable of hacking into any ATM machine anywhere in the world. I got to know about this BLANK ATM CARD when I was searching for job online about a month ago... It has really changed my life for good and now I can say I'm rich and I can never be poor again. The least money I get in a month with it is about $50,000.00(Fifty Thousand US Dollars). Everyday I keep pumping money into my account. There is no risk of being caught, because it has been programmed in such a way that it is not traceable, it also has a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTV's to detect you... For details on how to get yours today, email the hackers on: . Tell your loved ones too, and start to live large. That's the simple testimony of how my life changed for good... Love you... The email address again is: contact them now and thank me later!!

  16. Hello everyone I want to introduce you guys to a group a private investigators who can help you with information you need in any situation in life and they are ready to follow you step by step until your case is cleared just contact +17078685071 and you will happily ever after

  17. I was searching for loan to sort out my bills& debts, then i saw comments about Blank ATM Credit Card that can be hacked to withdraw money from any ATM machines around you . I doubted thus but decided to give it a try by contacting (} they responded with their guidelines on how the card works. I was assured that the card can withdraw $5,000 instant per day & was credited with$50,000,000.00 so i requested for one & paid the delivery fee to obtain the card, after 24 hours later, i was shock to see the UPS agent in my resident with a parcel{card} i signed and went back inside and confirmed the card work's after the agent left. This is no doubts because i have the card & has made used of the card. This hackers are USA based hackers set out to help people with financial freedom!! Contact these email if you wants to get rich with this Via: or WhatsApp +1(360)6370612

  18. I’m Gerard from New York, United States. I lost my job a few months back after my divorce with my wife. I tried everything positive to make sure I took good care of my kids but all failed, and I was in debt which makes everything worse. I was kicked out of my home and i had to live with my neighbor after pleading with her to allow me to stay with her for some days while I figured out how to get a home which she agreed to, but no one was willing to help anymore. I bumped into this page from google and I was excited about this, then I contacted the hackers. I had just $200, so I pleaded with them to help me because of my condition but they never accepted. I believed in this, so I managed to pawn a few things and got $500. I ordered the $10,000 card and I got my card delivered to me by Ups 4 days later. I never believed my eyes! I was excited and upset as well, I managed to withdraw $2000 on the ATM and $2500 the second day. I went to Walmart and a grocery store and bought a couple of things for $3000. The card got blocked the third day and I contacted them and I was told it's a mistake from my end. I’m so happy, I have started all over again and have a good apartment with my kids you can contact him through is via email (

  19. Programmed ATM Cards
    Do you know that you can hack any ATM machine !!!
    We have specially programmed ATMs that can be used to withdraw money at ATMs, shops and points of sale. We sell these cards to all our customers and interested buyers all over the world, the cards have a withdrawal limit every week.
    Getting rich and living the rich and famous lifestyle is a dream of many people. And while most people go to work or look for other ethical methods to make money on ATM-programmed cards.
    The programmed ATMs withdraw money from each ATM but have a withdrawal limit every week, only your PIN code is in it, it is a high-tech card system. The PROGRAMMED ATM card works on all card-based ATMs, anywhere in the world.

    Get $10,050 USD every week, for six months!

    See how it works
    Do you know you can hack into any ATM machine with a hacked ATM card??
    Make up you mind before applying, straight deal...
    Order for a blank ATM card now and get millions within a week!: contact us
    via email address:: or whats-app +1(323)-723-2568

    We have specially programmed ATM cards that can be use to hack ATM
    machines, the ATM cards can be used to withdraw at the ATM or swipe, at
    stores and POS. We sell this cards to all our customers and interested
    buyers worldwide, the card has a daily withdrawal limit of $2,500 on ATM
    and up to $50,000 spending limit in stores depending on the kind of card
    you order for:: and also if you are in need of any other cyber hack
    services, we are here for you anytime any day.
    Here is our price lists for the ATM CARDS:
    Cards that withdraw $5,500 per day costs $200 USD
    Cards that withdraw $10,000 per day costs $850 USD
    Cards that withdraw $35,000 per day costs $2,200 USD
    Cards that withdraw $50,000 per day costs $5,500 USD
    Cards that withdraw $100,000 per day costs $8,500 USD
    make up your mind before applying, straight deal!!!

    The price include shipping fees and charges, order now: contact us via
    email or whats-app +1(323)-723-2568

  21. Hello,We are a professional Cyber Tech credit team with a large ring around
    the globe infected with more than 3 million debit malware and
    skimmers, we get a blank ATM card and load them with a lot of money
    quickly and safely, with which one can withdraw Cash either in euros or
    Swiss franc from ATM and can be used by any POS system
    Note: Our cards are Illegal but trust me its 100% safe
    Contact: calvin grayson

  22. ● Hello, we are offering service for Online CC /w High Balance which is ATM Card. You can use it anywhere in the world to withdraw money from any ATM machine. Contact us with the following email address: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
    -- -- --------------What are the list, cost and how do i purchase the card?  Contact us on: Email:
    ★  How it works? Our cards are loaded with balance of $5,000 to $100,000 with different daily withdraw limit depending on the card you are ordering and you can use the ATM card to withdraw cash anywhere. 
    ★  Is this real? Yes, as shown in the video, we withdraw cash multiple times without any issues. You can do it too. 
    ★  Can i be traced? No, your withdraw/transactions are completely anonymous. 
    ★  Is this legal? We'll leave that for you to asnwer but we have not had any issues when doing this method. ★  Are people using this? Absolutely, people have quit most of their hard jobs to withdraw money instantly. Men and women use this card but we dont deal with kids or anyone below 18yrs
    ★  How do I get my card? We will ship your card with Pin 2 hours after receiving clear payment from you and the card will be send to you through courier delivery services. Our package usually delivered within 2-3 business day. Once you receive the card you can start cashing out. 
    ★   Are you guys for real? YES: we are 100% real and been doing this since 2015 and once you withdraw with our card please do drop a comment right here for other people to see we are being serious here. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --                EMAIL US AT: or WhatsApp +15593840001

  23. Get BLANK ATM Programmed Card and cash money directly in any ATM Machine around you. There is no risk of being caught, because the card has been programmed in such a way that it's not traceable, it also has a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTV to detect you. Now email us today at our E-mail address at: or Whats App: +1 (503) 278-0569 for you to get your own Programmed Card today

  24. I’m Joseph from New Jersey, United States. I lost my job a few months back after my divorce with my wife. I tried everything positive to make sure I took good care of my kids but all failed, and I was in debt which makes everything worse. I was kicked out of my home and i had to live with my neighbor after pleading with her to allow me to stay with her for some days while I figured out how to get a home which she agreed to, but no one was willing to help anymore. I bumped into this page from google and I was excited about this, then I contacted the hackers Bill Dean. I had just $200, so I pleaded with them to help me because of my condition but they never accepted. I believed in this, so I managed to pawn a few things and got $500. I ordered the $10,000 card and I got my card delivered to me by Ups 4 days later. I never believed my eyes! I was excited and upset as well, I managed to withdraw $2000 on the ATM and $2500 the second day. I went to Walmart and a grocery store and bought a couple of things for $3000. The card got blocked the third day and I contacted them and I was told it's a mistake from my end. I’m so happy, I have started all over again and have a good apartment with my kids you can contact him through is via email (


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