I sent out a tweet last night asking for you to send me your e-mail if you want to watch me attempt to build a small account for my guys - and got an unbelievable response. Over 200 replies and some unbelievably kind words of gratitude! So thank you to those that replied!  

But I also got a few other responses. There will ALWAYS be pessimists, in everything you do from today till the day you die. They really don't bother me, but since I am doing this for free, I got some e-mails from "those people"....

"Why are you doing this man? Are you just trying to promote yourself? You run a room? Just trying to draw in new subs? huh?? HUH?? yeah?? Whats your favorite color? Oh it's orange? Well...why isn't it red?? Orange is dumb. Fool!" 

You get the idea lol...."those people."

So I just wanted to take a minute to address exactly what I'm doing it, and why I'm doing it. 

I am trading a 5K account & streaming it live for the public to drop in and watch.  

Why am I doing this? Because I want to. Because I think it will be helpful to many, and it's at no inconvenience to me - you're just watching something I'd already be doing anyway. Because if something like this had existed when I was first starting to trade and build my first small account, I'd have said "Damn, this is awesome! Really appreciate him doing this, you can't really find this anywhere else, it's very helpful." So I'm putting myself back into my shoes a few years ago when I started, and am trying to provide something that I personally would have really enjoyed having back then. Thats all. 

I'm not doing it to get subscribers. I do run a small room, and I'm not currently accepting new members at this time - the room is intentionally kept small, thats why I don't advertise it either. So this offer is simply for you to sit in and watch as I trade the account. 

There's a Kevin Spacey quote I really like - and he says "If you're lucky enough to do well, it's your responsibility to send the elevator back down." So this is me trying to do my part and send the elevator back down, maybe give some struggling traders a little insight on what it takes to build a small account - because it's very different than what I'd consider "normal" trading to me - as in trading without BP restrictions and a lot of names not being shortable - which are two big things you have to deal with at Suretrader on a small account. So you really need to be disciplined - and I'm going to do my best to display that.

There is no ulterior motive here. I know some cynical people out there just can not understand or process that, and that's your problem. Change your tune and things will get better for you.  

So again, this will be free, and I'll accommodate as many people as possible.  So bear with me while I work on getting it set up this week and hopefully will have it ready to go with the stream and daily blog posts starting on Monday. 

See you then! 

Keep an eye on my Twitter over the weekend for any updates.



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